The Healing Cottage
Heal, Relax and Gather
Super Spring Cleanse

Renew Your Vitality with a Spring Cleanse  $125


Spring is here. It is the perfect time to do a detox, particularly after we’ve been breathing in poor indoor air quality, had less sunlight, and perhaps gotten less activity than usual.  Detoxifying is the antidote and can spell increased energy, fewer allergy symptoms, reduced hormonal imbalances, improved digestion, clearer sinuses, normalized blood pressure, fewer moods swings, sharper mental ability, improved sleep, healthier skin and much more.  

I recommend a spring cleanse because it puts us in tune with the seasons in our environment. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine and other traditional healing practices have recognized the relationships between seasonal changes and our bodies. Spring is a time of rebirth and an amazing opportunity to harness that transformative energy of renewal.

Flush Your Body From Toxins

No matter how healthy your lifestyle, you cannot avoid glyphosate and GMOs, heavy metals, parasites, and allergens - they are everywhere and can keep our bodies from functioning at their best.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) outlines the relationship between seasons and specific organs. For example, spring relates to the liver and gallbladder, the organs that are essential to detoxifying the body. But sometimes they need a little help.

I offer a detox massage which includes reflexology, lymphatic drainage, and aromatherapy. A detox massage is not only relaxing but also aids your body in the removal of toxic waste. A detox massage can be of great support to any cleansing program you are in. It can address health conditions including fatigue, headaches, fibromyalgia, and other system dysfunctions that result from the presence of toxins in your body. 

A detox massage is helpful because of the rhythmic strokes that your therapist apply to stimulate your body. Your therapist uses a combination of massage movements including irregular and altering applications of pressure that gently compress and stretch your muscle tissues. 

Good health cannot be achieved without a healthy diet.  The old saying is true - you are what you eat!  Everything that you put into your body either helps your body be healthy or works against it.  

Receive a FREE Consultation for a Organic, Non-Gmo Healthy Living Food protocol to suit your needs, or any health concerns you have.

Whether you are an Athlete, Pregnant or Nursing mamma, Children & Families, Sleep Concerns, Anxiety Concerns, Inflammation issues or just want to be as healthy as you can be, focusing on the food you eat can be the difference between great health and poor health.

Our Body is our one and only for this life time. What we put in, on the daily shows up in all areas of our life.

Life is busy, stress levels are higher and people are not sleeping the best they can. There is more and more disease and illness and sadly 80% of the food available is not what is used to be and not pure.

​Our Body requires, clean, easy, unadulterated, bio-available  nutrients and water to thrive the best way possible. When we put clean fuel (food) into our body, detox parasites and environmental chemicals that have accumulated in our system over years we start to feel alive again, increasing our vitality, love, desires and potential for the greatest Life we can live Now and for the future allowing us to then have energy to support our loved ones.

Request a free consultation today!


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